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Parent Liaison Support Resources

Support Resources

Partnering with students, families, and staff to remove barriers by using an asset-based approach to ensure that all families can fully participate and be successful in Jenison Public Schools.

Click the boxes below to expand their content.

Community Resources

Emergency Resources

Housing/Utility Assistance

  • Water Bill Assistance

  • Utility Assistance through OCCAA

  • OCCAA Weatherization Program: This program is offered to Ottawa County residence who are homeowners or renters. If renting, apartment complexes are not currently eligible for this program. This is a free program for individuals and homes that qualify. The program includes an inspection that will determine what eligible Weatherization activities will be performed. A licensed contractor will complete these measures and a post inspection will be done for quality assurance. Weatherization tasks may include things like attic insulation, wall insulation, floor insulation, weatherstripping, window caulking, other minor home repairs. Here is a flyer with the information.

  • Free or low cost Broadband Service: The ACP provides up to $30 per month, making many internet plans FREE. The program also provides a one-time discount of $100 for a laptop or tablet. Families that receive free and reduced school lunch; WIC or SNAP benefits; or are enrolled in other programs like Medicaid, Head Start, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) qualify. Apply at

  • Connect to us - The supports above are not exhaustive and there may be more opportunities available to you, please reach out for further assistance.

Food Distribution


  • Free COVID tests: MDHHS is announcing its expanded partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation through Project Act to provide 180,000 COVID-19 tests to 36,000 households. All households in the state of Michigan can order their free COVID-19 tests. Each household will receive one kit with five tests, typically within a week of ordering. Individuals without internet access can contact 211 for assistance ordering tests.

  • Hearing and Vision Screening: The Ottawa County Health Department is offering free vision and hearing screenings for children ages 3-5 years of age. Please see the flyer to sign up!

  • Connect to us - The supports above are not exhaustive and there may be more opportunities available to you, please reach out  for further assistance.

Family Supports


School Supports

Support for Kids/Teens/Young Adults

  • Your Child’s Development: Did you know you can do the Ages and Stages Development Questionnaire (ASQ) when your infant is as young as 1 month old and up to 60 months? This tool is FREE on the Help Me Grow Ottawa page! Check on your child’s development and milestones throughout their growing up for school readiness.

  • Car Seat Safety Check Events: All car seat inspections are free. A limited number of low-cost replacement car seats are available at all locations, for those who qualify. Children who need a replacement seat must be present with a parent or legal guardian. This flyer has all the dates and locations. 
    Cronograma de control de seguridad del asiento de seguridad.

  • Teens 13-17 Life S.H.A.R.E: Support*Health and wellness*Addressing life’s challenges*Relationships* Engaging in life Teens Group is held virtually every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. They are facilitator led and a place to connect with others and talk about relationships, mental health wellness, life goals, and life challenges. Click here for the details.

  • Sibshops: Brothers and sisters of children with special needs, disabilities and chronic illness have a group that’s just for them, Sibshops. Sibshops are peer support groups that offer a safe and engaging space for siblings to learn, have fun, meet and be supported by other children who understand what it’s like to have a sibling with special needs. Sibshops is held one Saturday a month from 9am-11am in Zeeland. Click here for more information on having your child participate in Sibshops.

  • Baby Essentials: If you, or someone you know, needs a little help providing for your little one, check out the Baby & Toddler Pantry! You can order diapers, formula, wipes, clothing, and more.

  • Connect to us - The supports above are not exhaustive and there may be more opportunities available to you, please reach out for further assistance.

Support for Parenting/Family

  • Strengthening Families 10-14 Program: This program is designed to foster communication, resilience, and positive family dynamics. See more information about the Strengthening Families program here.

  • Thriving Family: OSAP knows it takes effort to establish and maintain a healthy family life. Watch as these different West Michigan families talk about and demonstrate what they do to help their family thrive, the struggles they experience as parents or grandparents, and what you can do within your family. This website also describes what it means to thrive as a family. It also has a series of resources that are available to help parents learn these skills and connect with their youth.

  • Parental controls on iPhone/iPad: Knowing how to put boundaries on our kid’s devices can be challenging. This video gives step by step instructions on how to do it as well as how to have conversations with your kids about what is appearing on their screens.  For further help, you may find this video or these written instructions helpful.

  • Teen Substance Abuse Education: Today, youth can easily conceal vapes, alcohol, and other substances with everyday, ordinary objects. Tour through a teen’s room staged with 44 different concealment containers, vape pens, and other indicators of youth substance use. Brought to you by Arbor Circle.

  • Adult S.E.N. Group:  Support*Educate*Navigate Group is held virtually every Friday at 12 noon. The topics depend on the week and are stand alone. These topics will guide the discussions.

  • Nurturing Parenting Program: FREE Virtual 10-week series in Oct - Dec for parents and caregivers! Classes will cover topics including discipline, communication, child development, and problem-solving. This fun and informative class is for parents & caregivers with kids of any age! Classes are held virtually on Monday evenings.
  • Conscious DisciplineSkills Series: Join us for our virtual conscious discipline skills series. In this series we will discuss the different skills presented in the conscious discipline curriculum. Sessions are stand-alone – join us for as many as you’d like! Sessions are the third Tuesday of every month from 7:30 – 8:30pm. Click here to register.

  • Just for Dads: Join this 12-week series Just for Dads! The group will follow the 24/7 DADS curriculum created by the National Fatherhood Initiative and will explore issues of fatherhood including: anger management, discipline, nurturing, and role modeling. This group will be virtual! Thursday Evenings, August-October. See this flyer for more information.

  • Parent Education Videos: In 2021, Ottawa County Substance Abuse Prevention (OSAP) launched a new Parent Education SHORT Video series. Several West Michigan parents self-recorded their parenting experiences or conversations with their teens about topics linked to substance use, mental health, and more. These candid recordings give insight into how parents can engage teens in necessary conversations that may feel uncomfortable to start or other helpful parenting advice. OSAP will release a short video each week on its YouTube Channel. Click here to watch the first video of the new Parent Education Video Series. From there you will be able to see the others or subscribe for future videos.

  • Pathways for Recovery: This meeting meeting is for is for anyone whose life has been affected by life has been affected by alcohol or drug addiction. The meeting format differs from other meetings you may be familiar with. The facilitator will ask the  group for a topic of discussion that focuses on strengths, struggles and barriers in life. Meetings are Tuesdays from 6-7pm. Here are the details.

  • Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention Training QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. Each year thousands of Americans, like you, are saying “Yes” to saving the life of a friend, colleague, sibling, or neighbor. See our flyer for dates and registration, or register on our website.

  • Thriving Despite Early Adversity- Our earliest childhood experiences have a big impact on shaping who we are today. Join Thrive Ottawa to learn about how your experiences as a child may be impacting your physical and mental health as an adult, as well as those around you. This presentation will also give concrete strategies for how you might build greater resiliency in your life. During the presentation, you will learn about the original Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), one of the greatest public health discoveries of our time, which can help us understand “it’s not what’s wrong with us, but what happened to us.” This will be held on multiple dates. Click here to register.

  • MSU Extension classes: Michigan State University (MSU) Extension helps people improve their lives by bringing the vast knowledge resources of MSU directly to individuals, communities and businesses.  For more than 100 years, MSU Extension has helped grow Michigan’s economy by equipping Michigan residents with the information that they need to do their jobs better, raise healthy and safe families, build their communities and empower our children to dream of a successful future. See a list of free opportunities to support families here.

  • Connect to us - This supports above are not exhaustive and there may be more opportunities available to you, please reach out to us for further assistance


DHHS Resources

  • Apply For Assistance
  • Resources for Medicaid Eligible Families
    • MDHHS Medicaid Renewal: At the start of the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) MDHHS stopped the Medicaid renewal process. Renewals are restarting. If you have Medicaid, MIChild, or Healthy Michigan Plan you may need to go through the renewal process. This is to find if you are still eligible for free or low-cost Medicaid coverage. See this flyer to learn how to take the correct steps for renewal and to answer any questions you may have. The Parent Liaison Office also has a Michigan DHHS navigator willing to help. If you need further assistance, please reach out to your parent liaison.
    • Medicaid My Health Portal: There is a free virtual training that discusses a new My Health Portal for Medicaid recipients.This training was helpful as it provides a “find a Dr near me” option and also provides a way for clients to request transportation online now for medical appointments. Upcoming training sessions.

  • Extra Bridge Card (EBT) Benefits

Mental Health

Mental Health Resources

  • Anxiety / Depression Group Therapy: Affordable group therapy is available through Love Your Neighbor on Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30pm. See this flyer for details. For more information, fill out this form.

  • Mental Health Videos: Ottawa Substance Use Prevention Coalition created three to five-minute videos to help youth practice positive mental health skills. Anyone can use these videos in individual or group sett ings. If you’re a teenager, feel free to watch these on your own. Middle School Videos and High School Videos. Videos are also available for Adult positive mental health skills.

  • Mental Health Support Groups: Be Better in Holland is here to provide guidance, support, and education to the individual and their network.  Free support groups are happening now. Learn more here.

  • Depression / Bipolar /Anxiety Support: Fairhaven church in Jenison is offering a free DBSA support group on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month.  See this flyer for more information.

  • Connect to us - The supports above are not exhaustive and there may be more opportunities available to you, please reach out to us for further assistance.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis please dial 988 or 911, or go to your nearest Emergency Room.

8375 20th Ave.
Jenison, MI 49428
Phone: 616.457.8890
Fax: 616.457.8898
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