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Brand Resources

JPS Brand Guide


Wildcat Head

In high-awareness situations, we lead with the Wildcat Head. There is power in simplicity and strength in recognition.

JPS Wildcat head Logo

Download Button


The Wordmark is the base of our brand. It serves as the foundation and embodies the strength and pride of our school district. While we prefer to lead with the Wildcat Head, we utilize the Wordmark on official documents and any time we need to ensure brand recognition in low-awareness situations.

JPS Wordmark Logo

Download Button


Our fonts convey strength and simplicity. All of are fonts are available for download below. When downloading our fonts please only use them for JPS related content. Poppins, is also available as a standard Google Font and is already an available option in the Google ecosphere.

Headlines, Champions, Regular/Caps

Champions, our headline font, is used mostly in all caps and provides a bold, heavy weight to draw a viewers attention.

Download Champions Font Button 

Example of Poppins Graphic

Poppins, our subhead and body copy font, has a simple geometric base making it easy to read and comes in a variation of weights.

Download Poppins Font Button

Graphic Example of the Font, After Disaster

After Disaster, is used exclusively for athletics.

Download After Disaster Font Button


Primary Colors

Our primary colors are Forest and Silver Lining. They are along with white make up the foundation for our brand’s color palette. They should be used primarily.
Forest Green Color

Forest Green

RGB 18/71/52
HEX 124734
CMYK 87/45/78/49
PMS 3435 C
Silver Lining Color

Silver Lining

RGB 158/161/162
HEX 9ea1a2
CMYK 41/31/32/0
PMS 422 C

Secondary Colors

Some situations may warrant the use of additional colors. Our secondary color palette is meant to compliment our primary colors and should never be used in isolation.
Mint Green Colored Circle


RGB 40/167/120
HEX 29a576
CMYK 78/10/70/0
PMS 339 C
Lime Colored Circle


RGB 121/193/69
HEX 79c145
CMYK 57/0/98/0
PMS 368 C


Media and Press Contact
For media inquiries, press-related questions, or additional information about the JPS brand, please fill out the contact form. A member of the JPS District Communications Team will be in touch with you shortly.

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