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Before/After School Care

Our dedicated elementary school staff provide several programming options to give flexibility to working parents during the school year and summer break:
School BuildingBefore & After School Care (BASC): 
  • Programming for JPS students 4yo PreK Students—6th grade on school days
  • Provided from 6:45am until school starts, and end of school until 6:00pm
Cloud with SnowDays Off Program:
  • Programming for JPS students enrolled in BASC
  • Provided on weekdays when schools are out on breaks or snow days
  • Located at the ECC building
SunshineSummer Camp:
  • Programming for students TK—6th grade from June—August
  • Provided on weekdays from 7:00am until 6:00pm
  • Located at the ECC building


School Care (BASC) program strives to enrich the lives of each child that participates. Dedicated, caring, and educated staff create opportunities for students to participate in wholesome enrichment activities, including: 
  • Homework/reading time 
  • Circle time 
  • Crafts 
  • Indoor and outdoor play 
  • Variety of participation games 
  • and much more!
The 2023-2024 BASC program is full.

2024 - 2025 BASC Program
2024/2025 BASC registration is closed. To be put on the waitlist, please reach out to the ECC office.

Note: Before and After School Care for 4 year old enrolled preschool students is full. Please reach out to the ECC office to get on the waitlist.

2024-2025 Fall BASC Contract


The Days Off Program provides consistent programming for students enrolled in Before and After School Care on days when school is out for breaks and snow days.
  • Days Off include: Half days, snow days, delays, and mid-winter break
  • Students should bring a cold lunch and weather-appropriate clothing
  • Cost:
    • $20 registration fee per family (must be submitted with completed contract)
    • Half Days: $40 per child
    • Full Days/Snow Days: $50 per child
    • 2-Hour Delays: $25 per child
    • Mid-Winter Break: $50 flat rate fee
  • Students must be picked up by 6:00pm. A late pick-up fee of $5 will be charged per minute after 6:00pm
  • Students must be registered and confirmed, and already be enrolled in BASC
  • Days Off Program requires separate registration. Registration forms will be sent out at the end of September
  • Days Off Program dates will be included in the BASC registration
2023/2024 Days Off Program
There will be 2 enrollment periods that are separate enrollments from BASC.This program provides care at the ECC for scheduled days off, half days, snow days etc - please see the PDF below with the specific dates that we offer care. 

Enrollment Period 2: September 13th at 10am For enrollment period 2- you are able to select the days that we have off, that your child will need care for. If enrollment period 1 fills the program, there will not be an enrollment period 2. First come, first serve. Registration fee is $20 per family.


2024 Summer Childcare Camp registration is open and available in the link below. Both registration entry (per child) and $50 per family fee are required to begin processing. It is a first come first serve basis.

Please fill out a separate Google Form for each child registering:

Submitting your entry per child does not guarantee a placement. You will receive direct email communication regarding if you received placement.

Please contact Chelsey Dornbos at the ECC with any questions or clarifications. [email protected] or (616) 777-6534 ext. 2852


JPS provides several payment options for extended day services: 
  • Online through Tuition Express: Click here for the Tuition Express form. Please submit completed forms to the ECC
  • Cash or check (payable to JPS). A locked drop box is available outside the ECC building. 


Each BASC building has an assigned email address that parents can use to communicate any attendance session changes. We ask that parents inform the BASC building within a minimum of 24 hours. If parents do not receive a response from the BASC building email, parents should contact the ECC office at 616.777.6534.

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]
Sandy Hill
[email protected]
Kids First (ECC/El Puente)
[email protected]

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